

Broadlink can connect your Infrared (IR) remotes into one by turning your smart phone into a universal remote. The Broadlink app allows you to control your TV, set top boxes (such as Sky/Virgin/BT), and many more remotes all from one app. You can also control your devices remotely in any location in the world. For example, you can turn your TV on and off or your family member's TV even if you are in a different location. The device requires internet connection at the home where all the devices are based. Use this device to support a family member to control their TV.



The app takes some time to get used to.


30-60 minutes

Set up time depends on the number of remotes being added. You may also need to change your router settings to allow the device to connect to the 2.4GHZ setting. Instructions for this can be found by searching on the internet 'name of broadband provider and 2.4GHZ'


Upfront: £49.99

Recurring: None


Other uses

Allows control remotely via an app.
Control smart home devices.
Controls tv and set top box.
Works abroad.

Good to know

Can be connected to any voice assistants you might already have.
Does not work with a bluetooth connection.
Allows you to control your devices from anywhere in the world through the Broadlink app.
Useful for controlling family member's TV (for example, change the channel, switching on and off) from any location.
You will need to have a plug socket available near where the device will be placed.
The home with the device must have internet connection (Wifi). This must be a 2.4GHZ connection and you may need to adjust your router settings- instructions for your broadband router can be found by searching the internet.
You will not be able to see the TV remotely using Broadlink, but you will be able to control the TV. You may need to consider ways to confirm that the TV has changed if you are changing the channel from a different location.


A few months ago I was introduced to small gadget called Broadlink, at first I wasn't sure if it would be that useful as I can work all the remotes that I use for the TV Sky boxes etc. However what I didn't realise at the time was my wife was unable to remember what remote did what, which I have since realised. The Broadlink has become a very useful tool as I work full time (from Home) upstairs and when my wife needs to change the TV channel (and gets confused) she just shouts up to me and I sort it from my the Broadlink App on my phone. This has saved my wife a lot of anxiety as she would get herself worked up not being able to find the channel she wants. It also comes in handy when the grandkids come visiting as we can hide all the remotes but still control the TV.
 - Anonymous
My mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s 18 months ago. Using the tv remote has become tricky for her especially when changing channels and following a TV guide in the newspaper. We were kindly put in touch with the Dementia Resource Centre in Inverness who suggested us to chat with the digital team. It was suggested that we try a little device called board link. The instructions were easy to read and my husband installed the device. The device is connected at mum's home and I downloaded the app onto my iPhone. I can now change to channel for my mum from my phone where ever I am. The device also has other options for lights etc but we are only using for the tv which has really helped when I live at one side of our town and mum the other. It has been such a relief especially as I have to come to my mums every night. A great gadget and helps take the pressure of family or carers.
 - Tracy